Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Slow Time...with Plenty To Do!

Summer is supposedly slow time over at eBay, or so I've read over at the eBay community. Which means I need to come up with other income streams--even finding a regular workaday job. *sighs* No, I honestly do not look forward to that. I would much rather work at getting other creative things off the ground.

Speaking of which...

Currently, the other blog post ideas I have for this blog are still "percolating." Arranging those into my blogging schedule is part of my tasks tonight, though, and I prefer to start things on the New Moon, so even though Mercury Retrograde is coming up next Monday, I will for sure be starting my blog post topics on that day. This week will be about pre-prepping posts on ALL my blogs so I can focus on other things during Merc-Retro time.

Then there are the two bags and one box of stuff that need to be sorted through. It's stuff I brought over from a friend's house. It's free inventory, but the stuff came from someone's room where cleaning was not that much of a priority with them. But that's what anti-dust masks are for. :-)

Yeah, I've got plenty to do, so I'd best get to it!

Hoots & Meows,
Kat ^.^

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