Friday, May 1, 2015

eBay Posts 5/1/15--Happy Beltaine!

Happy Beltaine, Everyone!

I am celebrating this ancient day of fertility (in the astrological month of Taurus, no less) by beginning my ongoing posts of what I call "My Daily Five!" "My Daily Five" is simply a group of five items I've promised to post every day on eBay. I originally thought it was going to be just one listing a day, but I realized, I am not gonna get this biz off the ground with just one listing. So, I upped the listing amount to five.

"My Daily Five" sounds like a bit like a vitamin shot, doesn't it? ;-)

Well, that's what this embryonic business needs...some vitamins!

Okay, on with the show!

1) The Oprah Winfrey Show: 20th Anniversary Collection

2) Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles

3) Beginning OpenGL: Game Programming

4) Kevin Trudeau: More Natural "Cures" Revealed

5) Celtic Totem Animals w/Shamanic Drumming CD by John Matthews

Now, that last one is technically a relisted item, and I originally had the idea of not including relisted items in this daily posting thing, but since I created this blog while the Celtic Totem listing was live, I figured I'd just add the relisted item in, and count it as my fifth. I've got another "relisted" item, but that will be included in the next group of five, so I'll only list four "new" items.

I am thinking I might go ahead and count relisted items as part of my postings, only posting three or four new items, if one or more listings end on a day where I'm posting other things, unless I've relisted the item twice before and it hasn't sold. In which case, I will simply post a full five items I've never listed before.

Arbitrary rule? Maybe, but I am essentially making this up as I go, going with what my intuition tells me, especially if I want to give myself a bit of a break.

Well, this fledgling "captain" has got her sails pointed in the right direction, so come on Spirit, I could use some serious wind! :-D

Kat ^.^

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