Friday, May 1, 2015

Intentions...and Shaking Things Up...

When I had the idea for a metaphysical store, I thought it was always, only going to be about the Spirit-oriented stuff I like. Well, considering I'm just starting out with this whole thing, I posted stuff that's not quite so obviously Spirit-centered.

Such as the Beginning OpenGL programming book I posted on eBay a few hours ago. I tweeted the link with a few programming-oriented hashtags, and now I have TWO programming blokes following me over on Twitter.

And I thought two things at once: "Wow, this is actually pretty cool!" and "OMG, how soon are they going to un-follow me with all the Spirit-centered stuff I usually talk about?" Because, let's face it: I don't know too many honest-to-God Pagan programmers. And I mean, Wiccan/Pagan/Druidic types who actually do some sort of ritual or ceremony for the New and Full moon phases, let alone the eight Solar festivals!

But then I think, "Wait a darn minute here. Who's the god of BOTH communication AND mercantile stuff? Mercury, of course!" And of course, Thoth, another god of communication and writing, has been making himself known to me through the Ascended Masters deck I have, both digital and physical copies.

So, I think, "Why can't programming books be part of my metaphysical store? Who is to say that some Pagan or other spiritual type isn't going to buy programming books of some kind, even if it's just to learn HTML5, Javascript or CSS for their blog, website, or whatever? Why shouldn't programming stuff coexist with the metaphysical bits and bobs? It coexists in *my* mind, so why not in my store?"

I know to some people it would seem a bit odd, but sometimes, I have dreams that feel like I'm in a video game, doing stuff. Because I *do* play video games quite a bit. Spirit uses what we're into to get messages across to us. Spirit's got no judgements! And heck, I even had a dream where an old-school 8-bit rabbit and I were supposed to save the Library of Alexandria. And it is reputed that the Hermetic Philosophy papers, etc were supposedly in that famous library which the Romans decided to ransack and burn.

(Hermetic Philosophy is, essentially, the oldest version of what people know as the Law of Attraction: As above, so below. On Earth, as it is in Heaven. Thoughts become things. Yeah, those ideas.)

And when you code a program, you are still creating something. You are taking pure thought, turning it into a useful thing, even if it's an app on your phone, a display for images on a website, or a Firefox extension. It may not *seem* physical, but you are still thinking up something in the ethers, then using code to bring it about, to manifest it here on Earth so people can use it.

So, no, programming books, etc are not incompatible inventory with the metaphysical stuff. :-) Not in my book.

Kat ^.^

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