Saturday, May 2, 2015

eBay & PayPal Split...

"eBay and PayPal are becoming separate companies."

That's the notification that greeted me when I went to go check on my listings an hour and a half ago.

This notification was not present last night, so naturally, I got to wondering why they decided to split. Well, there was an FAQ about the reason for the split, but the video to which eBay guides you doesn't really give specific reasons why, other than supposedly they think it's good for each company. So I did a little more poking about on Google, trying to get a clearer answer.

But instead of me trying to sum it all up, here's a deftly-written article from CNET.

I think this is the first time I've been truly fascinated by the chess board that is big business deals. I think it's because I'm a budding/aspiring businesswoman myself, and I feel I want to learn more about the wider world of business-ish things. I may not participate as directly or in depth as some others might, because while I want to earn a more-than-decent living with my eBay store, plus other ventures, I want my creative career to be about love and caring, and not solely about profit.

I think I'm also interested, at least in this particular story, because both companies have played, and likely will still play a huge role in e-commerce and mobile tech, and I'm interested because I have an eBay store, and like using PayPal. Plus I'm intrigued because business is a bit like chess, it seems. In order to get from "here" to "there" without running into too much trouble, you have to strategize, especially if it's coming up with strategies for navigating tough times. And I am intrigued by learning strategy in general because I am discovering what is actually fun about creating strategies. Especially when I can get truly creative with them, and not feel hemmed in by traditional thinking. (I think Richard Branson and I might have something in common, there. I actually would not mind meeting him and picking his brain about stuff!)

Overall, fun, for me, is always the name of the game. Because fun is what makes the journey a bit easier. Sure, you can keep the end goal in mind, and that *is* important, but along the way, you might as well get some enjoyment out of the process of getting from "here" to "there." Now, that's what I call a personal "win-win" situation. :-)

Kat ^.^

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