Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Slow Time...with Plenty To Do!

Summer is supposedly slow time over at eBay, or so I've read over at the eBay community. Which means I need to come up with other income streams--even finding a regular workaday job. *sighs* No, I honestly do not look forward to that. I would much rather work at getting other creative things off the ground.

Speaking of which...

Currently, the other blog post ideas I have for this blog are still "percolating." Arranging those into my blogging schedule is part of my tasks tonight, though, and I prefer to start things on the New Moon, so even though Mercury Retrograde is coming up next Monday, I will for sure be starting my blog post topics on that day. This week will be about pre-prepping posts on ALL my blogs so I can focus on other things during Merc-Retro time.

Then there are the two bags and one box of stuff that need to be sorted through. It's stuff I brought over from a friend's house. It's free inventory, but the stuff came from someone's room where cleaning was not that much of a priority with them. But that's what anti-dust masks are for. :-)

Yeah, I've got plenty to do, so I'd best get to it!

Hoots & Meows,
Kat ^.^

Saturday, May 2, 2015

eBay & PayPal Split...

"eBay and PayPal are becoming separate companies."

That's the notification that greeted me when I went to go check on my listings an hour and a half ago.

This notification was not present last night, so naturally, I got to wondering why they decided to split. Well, there was an FAQ about the reason for the split, but the video to which eBay guides you doesn't really give specific reasons why, other than supposedly they think it's good for each company. So I did a little more poking about on Google, trying to get a clearer answer.

But instead of me trying to sum it all up, here's a deftly-written article from CNET.

I think this is the first time I've been truly fascinated by the chess board that is big business deals. I think it's because I'm a budding/aspiring businesswoman myself, and I feel I want to learn more about the wider world of business-ish things. I may not participate as directly or in depth as some others might, because while I want to earn a more-than-decent living with my eBay store, plus other ventures, I want my creative career to be about love and caring, and not solely about profit.

I think I'm also interested, at least in this particular story, because both companies have played, and likely will still play a huge role in e-commerce and mobile tech, and I'm interested because I have an eBay store, and like using PayPal. Plus I'm intrigued because business is a bit like chess, it seems. In order to get from "here" to "there" without running into too much trouble, you have to strategize, especially if it's coming up with strategies for navigating tough times. And I am intrigued by learning strategy in general because I am discovering what is actually fun about creating strategies. Especially when I can get truly creative with them, and not feel hemmed in by traditional thinking. (I think Richard Branson and I might have something in common, there. I actually would not mind meeting him and picking his brain about stuff!)

Overall, fun, for me, is always the name of the game. Because fun is what makes the journey a bit easier. Sure, you can keep the end goal in mind, and that *is* important, but along the way, you might as well get some enjoyment out of the process of getting from "here" to "there." Now, that's what I call a personal "win-win" situation. :-)

Kat ^.^

Friday, May 1, 2015

Intentions...and Shaking Things Up...

When I had the idea for a metaphysical store, I thought it was always, only going to be about the Spirit-oriented stuff I like. Well, considering I'm just starting out with this whole thing, I posted stuff that's not quite so obviously Spirit-centered.

Such as the Beginning OpenGL programming book I posted on eBay a few hours ago. I tweeted the link with a few programming-oriented hashtags, and now I have TWO programming blokes following me over on Twitter.

And I thought two things at once: "Wow, this is actually pretty cool!" and "OMG, how soon are they going to un-follow me with all the Spirit-centered stuff I usually talk about?" Because, let's face it: I don't know too many honest-to-God Pagan programmers. And I mean, Wiccan/Pagan/Druidic types who actually do some sort of ritual or ceremony for the New and Full moon phases, let alone the eight Solar festivals!

But then I think, "Wait a darn minute here. Who's the god of BOTH communication AND mercantile stuff? Mercury, of course!" And of course, Thoth, another god of communication and writing, has been making himself known to me through the Ascended Masters deck I have, both digital and physical copies.

So, I think, "Why can't programming books be part of my metaphysical store? Who is to say that some Pagan or other spiritual type isn't going to buy programming books of some kind, even if it's just to learn HTML5, Javascript or CSS for their blog, website, or whatever? Why shouldn't programming stuff coexist with the metaphysical bits and bobs? It coexists in *my* mind, so why not in my store?"

I know to some people it would seem a bit odd, but sometimes, I have dreams that feel like I'm in a video game, doing stuff. Because I *do* play video games quite a bit. Spirit uses what we're into to get messages across to us. Spirit's got no judgements! And heck, I even had a dream where an old-school 8-bit rabbit and I were supposed to save the Library of Alexandria. And it is reputed that the Hermetic Philosophy papers, etc were supposedly in that famous library which the Romans decided to ransack and burn.

(Hermetic Philosophy is, essentially, the oldest version of what people know as the Law of Attraction: As above, so below. On Earth, as it is in Heaven. Thoughts become things. Yeah, those ideas.)

And when you code a program, you are still creating something. You are taking pure thought, turning it into a useful thing, even if it's an app on your phone, a display for images on a website, or a Firefox extension. It may not *seem* physical, but you are still thinking up something in the ethers, then using code to bring it about, to manifest it here on Earth so people can use it.

So, no, programming books, etc are not incompatible inventory with the metaphysical stuff. :-) Not in my book.

Kat ^.^

eBay Posts 5/1/15--Happy Beltaine!

Happy Beltaine, Everyone!

I am celebrating this ancient day of fertility (in the astrological month of Taurus, no less) by beginning my ongoing posts of what I call "My Daily Five!" "My Daily Five" is simply a group of five items I've promised to post every day on eBay. I originally thought it was going to be just one listing a day, but I realized, I am not gonna get this biz off the ground with just one listing. So, I upped the listing amount to five.

"My Daily Five" sounds like a bit like a vitamin shot, doesn't it? ;-)

Well, that's what this embryonic business needs...some vitamins!

Okay, on with the show!

1) The Oprah Winfrey Show: 20th Anniversary Collection

2) Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles

3) Beginning OpenGL: Game Programming

4) Kevin Trudeau: More Natural "Cures" Revealed

5) Celtic Totem Animals w/Shamanic Drumming CD by John Matthews

Now, that last one is technically a relisted item, and I originally had the idea of not including relisted items in this daily posting thing, but since I created this blog while the Celtic Totem listing was live, I figured I'd just add the relisted item in, and count it as my fifth. I've got another "relisted" item, but that will be included in the next group of five, so I'll only list four "new" items.

I am thinking I might go ahead and count relisted items as part of my postings, only posting three or four new items, if one or more listings end on a day where I'm posting other things, unless I've relisted the item twice before and it hasn't sold. In which case, I will simply post a full five items I've never listed before.

Arbitrary rule? Maybe, but I am essentially making this up as I go, going with what my intuition tells me, especially if I want to give myself a bit of a break.

Well, this fledgling "captain" has got her sails pointed in the right direction, so come on Spirit, I could use some serious wind! :-D

Kat ^.^

eBay All The Way!

Okay, so my posting schedule for this blog is going to be a little fuller than I imagined, because it's going to end up being two posts a day.

Why, because I've decided to make sure and post at least five items a day on eBay, and that means both "Tweeting" the links and posting the items here on my blog.

Granted, it's a new blog, so I'm not going to get the "pings" from this site until I develop a readership. And the only way I'm going to end up doing that is if I Tweet this blog *and* promote it through my newsletter, which no one has signed up for yet.

I know, I know...Divine Timing and all that. But I gotta admit, my impatient-and-stubborn streak is a mile wide and I want to get certain stuff sold so I can really turn my eBay store into the metaphysical go-to place I really want it to be.

And I am pretty much building this thing from the ground up. I've got to. Because I personally feel uncomfortable asking for financing from a local bank for an online metaphysical shop, just because it's a metaphysical shop. Either there are too many skeptics, or too many of "God's good people" who adhere to straight-laced, uptight, fearful ideas from a book written/mistranslated/erroneously added to by people who crossed into Spirit EONS ago!

So I figure, in order to get a spiritual business off the ground, who better to ask than Divine Source, right? Which means I gotta go with Divine Timing, taking one step at a time, because I think I am the only one in my family who is actually doing this. I'm the only one taking my passion for metaphysical topics--crystals, Tarot, Reiki, etc--and turning it into a business. And yes, eventually, that will include doing paid readings for people.

Until then, it's eBay all the way for my chosen chief source of income as far as the metaphysical stuff goes, which is what I've been wanting to do for the last ten years or so, but only now have I really begun to understand how to set things in motion, how to set up the business routines *my* way so I don't feel flustered by someone else's idea of how to manage things.

Now...for the second post of the day: the actual eBay listings!

Kat (aka lynx3473, my eBay "moniker")

Saturday, April 25, 2015

New Blog Open for Biz!

This blog was a hit of inspiration just from detailing out the basic process of how I want to run my eBay store. I realized that my posts on my eBay listings would get lost in the shuffle of all other business-ish posts on my "Time and a Wyrd" blog, so I got inspired to create a new blog.

Yes...another blog. But I have more of a proper structure for this, thank heavens.

One post per day, five days a week, leaving two days for a break.

This is gonna be awesome!

Kat ^.^